The Awa FM Executive Committee is pleased to present the station’s Annual Report 2020/2021. You can download the reports here.
Don’t forget to register for the Awa FM Annual General Meeting being held next week, Wednesday 22 December at 11am via virtual webinar!
Find more information on the AGM below or register here.
Annual General Meeting for Te Reo Irirangi o Whanganui AWA FM
Due to the risk of Covid-19, the Awa FM Executive Committee has made the decision to hold our hui-a-tau virtually, as an online webinar, to ensure we keep ourselves and our whānau safe from the virus.
This is notice that we will be holding our AGM on December 22nd at 11am.
- Karakia and Apologies
- Minutes of the AGM 5 August 2020
- Presentation of Annual Report
- Presentation of Awa FM Strategy
- Presentation of Maori Language Plan
- Resolutions:
- Approve Appointment of Auditor
- General Business
- Karakia Whakamutunga